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The reason I like walking in the woods with Cosmo is the fact that I am in a world with aboslutley no human contact. The woods live as do the animals in it without human help. Things are controlled by nature and human needs and desires are absent. I am in some other realm non human. Cosmo's world. He totally involved in it, all his senses are alive and he is busy doing dog stuff.

Me, I wander and meander around with a way about me that is the exactly the same as when you walk around a catherdral and dont quite get or understand what your looking at but it envelops you totally.

There is green, it is like the air is green. Last week there was a white carpet of flowers, this weeks it is blue. Walking through carpets of blue bells that like walking though water. The water you get in the land of adverts and fairytales.

Then you get to the area where the plant machinery is left ready for Mondays work, and the signs start jumpimg out telling you what to do and the humans are back.

I can feel a map/diagram thing coming on.