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We got sort of half lost on today’s walk. We walked through corn fields with hay bales in for a while, needed a bit of guess work, but never really that lost. I dont think Cosmo knew we were lost he was very exuberent.

Sometimes I try to test him to see if he knows the way? Oh..he makes out he does, boldly goes off in one direction. But then coincidentally discovers the trail of a squirell or rabbit which takes him on a long wide arc back to the junction where I let him decide which way. At this point he waits for me to either carry along the path he chose, or go back to the junction and pick a fresh one.

Now I noticed a blue flower in my wild flower bucket yesterday, turns out it is a corn flower. An endangered spieces. Named so because it’s habitat is corn fields. But with modern farming techniques these ‘weeds’ are eradicated with chemicals, pesticides and stuff.

This is the first flower I have ever really grown. I have told other people to plant flowers and that, but I never really bonded with those flowers.