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Twin Oaks

Sometimes I get rather full up with art all the time. I think as an artist one does tend to try so hard, never waste a day, got to promote yourself or do something? I’m waiting for a decision from a commitee…..still.

Yesterday I just thought I’m full up with all this art and went for a dog walk instead. Cosmo was alittle confused as it was not his usuall dog walk time?

The acorns and sweet chestnuts are falling off the trees now and the single track paths in the woods are covered with acorns.

This reminded me of a story on the radio ages ago, told by Martin Simpson. He said he had been asked to finish someone elses unfinished song! He discovered this twin oak storey. ‘If you ever see twin oak trees growing side by side, (this quite often happens in hedgrows apparently) it is because Gypsy, travelling families had the tradition that if a young baby died, then an acorn was placed in each hand and the baby then buried by the side of the road under the hedgrows’.

This provided the end for his unfinished song, I wondered if it would start someting for someone else, as I can’t think of a way to use it, but it is a lovely idea.

I’m thinking about art when I’m supossed to be not thinking about it.

Why do we do that?