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After a momentary interval I find myself in an altogether different studio space in Elephant and Castle, London. Having arrived early on a Monday morning I struggle to negotiate my new set of keys and the myriad of padlocks, doors and shutters before eventually entering into the building. The space itself is quite basic – a box room complete with carpets and a strip light for illumination. The windows have been boarded up but one of the other artists has fashioned a small shutter allowing for the option of natural light. Having met with some of the artists based there I feel this could be the potential for striking up friendships and peer-mentoring although I feel this will largely be dependant on me and how often I can get into London both during the week and on a weekend. Subsequently knowing that I’ll only be here for a few months; and having been at Gallery@49 for 6 months, my thoughts turn to finding somewhere more permanent. At this time the floor of my studio space is peppered with half-opened boxes which can be packed away and moved at moments notice. Although I’d love to be able to put roots down somewhere and have a permanent space where I could repaint the walls and bring in my own furniture. Feeling slightly nomadic at the moment and thinking about September when I’ll have to contend with the thought of moving elsewhere (again). I’ve also been struck by innate ability; particularly as an artist, to accumulate stuff and would be interested to know how other artists have circumnavigated the tricky business of storage.