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Creative Block

Wow, I haven’t contributed to my blog for some time now, two months in fact. Since my last post I have moved out of my studio space at Hotel Elephant. Although this now leaves me in the same predicament I found myself in prior to the summer. It’s sad not have a space though the logistics of commuting from Bracknell to Elephant and Castle in London was proving to a bit of the strain.

Having moved all of my work out of the studio last Tuesday I started to ruminate on what I’d made these past few months and became frustrated by my lack of creative output. Given that I had access to the space for three months I kind of felt like I hadn’t made the most of the opportunity. My overriding feeling was a desire to make art. Although now without a designated space to work from I felt kind of stuck.

Given my training I started to consider how drawing out these feelings on paper might enable be to process them. With a biro in hand I started to furiously scribble blindly into my notebook, not knowing what I’d come up with. I began to envision a tubular form, something like a vein or an artery. I imagined how the tube might be transporting fluids from one part of the body to another. I then drew a tourniquet around the tube, blocking its flow and causing a build up of pressure. Evidently the drawing compounded a lot of what I was feeling inside – a creative block that I was perhaps yet to overcome. I started to think about the resonance this drawing with containment and bodily functions, themes I’d become preoccupied with in my work. Seeing as I was just about to start personal therapy again I also thought about bringing the drawing along to my next session. I wondered what G (my therapist) would make of it.