Viewing single post of blog energy flash : ludic play boots

following on from yesterday i’ve been working a little more on the website and there seems to be something emerging.  i have done a lot with lines.

i cover this in the play section of the site.




reflecting yesterday that i felt i don’t have a position for my work – today i feel i have multiple positions and this is ok because there is no one who can tell me otherwise.

i accept that not everyone will relate to this approach.

from watching a short recent piece about flared jeans – i’m reminded about counter culture and the mainstream.

in adding more images to the site i have been feeling much more optimistic about me and my practice.

maybe what i’m wrestling with here is the weight of judgement i anticipate based upon historical experiences.  it feels like i have to be so strong simply to stand still in the moment.

the reality of the situation is this is all self generated and through being bloody minded and self driven can begin to unpick the weight.  i might need some help too.