Friday 20th March.

I thought I was so lucky to have my studio now. It meant I had a change of scene. I’ve been making a safe dash from the  carpark –  to the studio. Once inside I felt safe as no-one has set foot there apart from my husband, Alec, since this coronavirus nightmare began.

So here’s the view. Alec having a go at art after a long gap.

And here’s what I started doing. Looking back fondly at a sketch I made in Cornwall last summer. I tried it in oil paint first after my experiments with oils earlier this month.But it came unravelled so I retreated to my comfort zone of acrylics. It’s not finished but have just started to draw into it with charcoal hoping to retain the looseness of the sketch. I thought maybe I’d pop back to the studio later to finish it. But today things are looking very bleak. I really don’t think I should leave the house. Alec is classed as high risk and I’m over 70 so for the sake of our own and others health I feel we should obey the rules and properly self isolate now.

Sunday 22nd March

It’s scary but all I can do is gather some supplies from my studio and hunker down at home until the danger has passed.

Jo brought me some flowers for Mothers day, leaving them on the doorstep so maybe I’ll try a watercolour painting of them. I painted some beautifulHellebores recently and watercolour on khadi paper is very enjoyable. As well as blogging I’m starting a coronavirus diary of art.

We live in challenging times and recording events is perhaps a cathartic way to deal with this. Painting is a meditative occupation and so it may help.

Who knows what may happen next. I’m  sad to have to abandon my studio so soon after acquiring it, but I fear I have to. All I can do is hope it’s not too long before I can use it again and keep painting at home. It’s my only answer at the moment.