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my reflective process of the #goandseebursary has gained some form

completed storify timeline of the main part of the visit
write and thank the curator of the arts development team at the forestry commission
write more blog posts
compose review and collaborate with chris on it’s final form
publish the review.


so far it’s going well … upto the “write more blog posts” part.

i published the storify timeline this morning. the process of putting it all together is one i very much enjoyed and would certainly recommend considering it for any kind of project.  the storify time line is available to view at


having published it i moved straight onto emailing the curator.   that was a good thing to do as it connected me to some of the sources of emotion that i felt while in the forest at grizedale.


another highlight  of the go and see bursary  were –  the sporning of thoughts – leading to spoken words – leading to examination of the meaning of those words. we had so many discussions about where we were, what we saw and what we aspire to do with the art walk project next may.



i’ve also updated the image of this blog. for the record it’s this image

it’s a photograph of 17 degrees south by linda watson (1997) with chris gray.


you’ll see in the storify timeline that we interacted with some of the sculptures.  i’ve reflected about this and have concluded that we were able to interact as they are in the landscape and the landscape is within them.


i’m still processing the information we aquired through conversation with the proprietors of the b&b we stayed in about bill grant and his influence at grizedale to introdce sculpture into the forest….