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Trash Conference 2012

University of Sussex

Friday 14 September 2012

I saw the call for papers and art/video works for this upcoming Trash Conference in Brighton and had to put in a proposal. I’m delighted they have accepted my proposal and I’m going to be attending for both the pre-conference events on the evening of Thursday 13 September and presenting at the conference.

Trash operates as a physical and symbolic manifestation of consumer society and its associated debris; it celebrates the filthy, excessive and grotesque; and it expresses how power communicates and classifies abject bodies. It not only describes the devaluation of trash culture, but it also refers to the material practices and processes through which we deal with ‘waste’ in all its forms.

In this one day postgraduate conference we propose to rummage through the trash heap of history, art, media, culture, politics, and society in order to uncover new scholarly approaches and methods that continue to appropriate and recycle theories of trash.


Some logistics and travel to sort out (plane or train??) as well of my presentation of course but needless to say I’m really excited to be going and immersing myself in postgraduate trash.