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Canadian Association of Geographers AGM Special Session: Waste and Indeterminancy

I have prepared a video presentation of a 20 minute paper to the Waste and Indeterminancy session at the CAG AGM in Newfoundland, Canada, 11-15 August 2013.


In my paper I introduce the Museum of Contemporary Rubbish and the HOARD project and my current research on artists’ use of rubbish in their practices http://contemporaryrubbish.wordpress.com/

The special session organiser Josh Lepawsky has fed back already that he really likes the video and the themes and questions it raises and I’m keen to hear feedback from the event and any dialogue that might ensue with conference delegates. I won’t be attending the conference myself as my 5 month old boy Toby probably won’t appreciate the long haul flights so am pleased that they have made a special exception for me to submit my paper by video, which is essentially a slideshow with my voiceover as I would’ve presented at live at the conference.

I’ll probably upload to vimeo after the conference and share the link here.