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AdEx Collaboration: Artists’ Rubbish

This week is less rubbish; and more rubbish.

I was invited by Jack at AdEx to guest curate their first online exhibition and thought up something rubbish (of course).

I’m inviting artists to contribute by uploading an image of an item of rubbish related to their practice in some way and answers a few short questions about it.

This is an extension and opening out for collaboration of the project I undertook in 2012, HOARD, where I collected and catalogued every item of my own practice during that calendar year.

The questions are the ones I ask when acquiring new items to the Museum of Contemporary Rubbish (a relatively new aspect of my collections since September 2012). They are:

Please describe the item

Where did you get the item from?

What did you use the item for (if applicable)?

Why is the item no longer of use to you?

Read the full brief and contribute here: http://www.advertisingexhibitions.co.uk/brief.html