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I have been looking at this latest large painting which was influenced by research into Jackson Pollocks work. Initially it seemed to work but there is something wrong.

My Reflective Journal is at last making sense to me. Through re-reading the commentary on various visits and experiences I recognise two distinct threads which have emerged.

  1.  My work is about communicating  the concept of being in a place and time. I intend to achieve this by representing all of the senses which constitute human consciousness.
  2. The exploration of the processes employed to make such images is constantly developing in fresh methods and materials.

The process constitutes the element of research in my MA course. Painting  is a language more powerful than the written or spoken word. I felt that my large painting had ceased to speak to me about it’s original starting point of the ancient rocky landscape of Leicestershire. The power of the area had diminished in my memory. Feeling slightly angry about the memories it evoked, I cut it into several pieces.

Two of theses suggested other scenarios on which I intend to work. It will be interesting if these new thoughts can be communicated by the subsequent alterations and additions.

This is the first new image after it was cut from the larger canvas. I can see at least one figure here which I shall develop into an abstract memory. I hope the viewer will interpret their own ideas which may be quite significantly different to mine. The fact that the starting point is still there for me is important and will form part of the process of metamorphosis of the image.