Nottingham - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Artist

Cross Party Committee Report on Grass Roots Live Music

BBC Reports on the Committee’s findings and recommendations but not on any reaction from the Grass Roots Live Music Venue Community. Suggesting also that a similar Govt enquiry into support for Independent Visual Artists might come up with solutions to their plight.

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Blog Artist

University Degree. Who needs them?

Not Visual Artists. Young Artists being made to think Analytically, Convergently before they’ve developed their Divergent Creative thinking crushes their talent and works against the goals of creative people, communities and country. We need other ways to develop young artists.

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Blog Post

Sarah Tutt

[above: Sarah Tutt on the day of the interview with her work, (photo: H. Kurzke)] Sarah Tutt is a visual and performance artist from Nottingham. I first encountered her large-scale asemic ink drawings, hanging on the wall of the large, […]

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Marcus Clarke

Our Silver City at the Nottingham Contemporary

Went to this Exhibitions preview Friday night. What seems initially like an overblown Primary School project given too much money develops as you go through the Galleries reading the chronology into an interesting story peppered with Relics as Art.

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Clare Morgan

Clare and I first met at the Derby Print open in May this year. When I entered the front room at Banks Mills Studios together with the rest of my family, it was she who greeted us, made us feel […]

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Tracey Kershaw

I met Tracey Kershaw for the first time when I signed up for a group critique session which she organised and ran at Backlit, an artist community in Nottingham. Being a nervous participant I arrived a bit too early but […]

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News News feature

Artists + Instagram: Bruce Asbestos, bread-shoe maker

Bruce Asbestos is no stranger to social media, blurring the lines between documentation, comment and artwork. For the second in our ongoing series, Richard Taylor takes a look at the artist’s use of Instagram as Asbestos gets his shoes together for a new clothing project inspired by Hansel and Gretel.

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Blog Post

Time to explore, gardening!

We planned to start our collaboration by exploring the metaphorical space of the garden. Its meaning and its materials. Not defining the outcome, meandering, letting the garden take us to unexpected places. We want to see what, if anything takes […]

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Blog Artist

Testing a new collaboration

Artists Dawn Giles and Arabel Rosillo de Blas are undertaking a 10 day residency to test the realities of working together. The collective space of Summer Lodge is an opportunity to make work in the same space without the pressure of an outcome.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Keith Piper, artist, filmmaker, and cultural archaeologist

Keith Piper’s exhibition at New Art Exchange, ‘Unearthing the Banker’s Bones’, explores the idea of what our society’s relics might look like from a future perspective. The founder member of the BLK Art Group talks to Wayne Burrows about the themes contained within the work and the continued importance of political and social questions to his practice.

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News News feature

The Anti Gallery, Nottingham: “Galleries still often feel like very white, middle-class spaces”

Saziso Phiri is celebrating one year of her pop-up gallery with a birthday party at Nottingham’s Rough Trade shop, followed by a series of free workshops in tandem with Nottingham Contemporary’s ‘The Place is Here’ show. Wayne Burrows talks to her about her mission to work with artists who operate beyond the usual art world structures.

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Blog Post

Open Studio Visit

Seems like ages ago now, but on the last weekend of October, two of us (myself and Jackie Kerr) from the Liverpool section of our group headed over to Nottingham to see the Harrington Mill Open Studio event, including an exhibition […]

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Yelena Popova, artist

Best known for her abstract paintings, Russian-born artist Yelena Popova’s current solo show at Nottingham Contemporary in her home town is split across two spaces and includes a computer-coded video projection. Anneka French discovers more about her relationship with paint, digital imagery and collaborative working.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Hurvin Anderson, painter

Ranging from painterly abstraction to figurative interiors and landscapes, Hurvin Anderson’s solo exhibition at New Art Exchange, Nottingham, expands on two long-standing motifs of the barbershop interior and the municipal park landscape and includes his Arts Council Collection commission, Is It OK To Be Black? Wayne Burrows talks to the artist.

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A Journey exhibition at the Institute Of Mental Health

Portrait Of Ian Duncan Smith With Bandaged Nose was taken to City Arts in Nottingham and successfully delivered yesterday lunchtime. I’ve updated my blog with links to other exhibitions I caught whilst in Nottingham, including the epic Simon Starling works […]

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