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Above is a picture of a vintage doll I have called Juana, and below a link to a very short film staring Juana and her brother Paquito. This is my third short film since I discovered iMovie exactly a week ago. This feels a bit like a raging illness or a passionate crush – it’s a little unhealthy the amount of time I’m spending working at these films, but that’s how I learn. Full on.


What’s exciting is the narrative potential of the form, and the way sound and image collide, collude and compete. Getting the sound right is crucial I’m learning, and I think this is why Playing in the Sand is my favourite film so far. The soundtrack is a free YouTube download and somebody’s work of genius as far as I’m concerned. The way it bumps along so cheerily, innocently keeping a darker storyline company thrills me.

Click and you’ll be thrown back into a world of Peter and Jane books, and a childhood glued to far too much Oliver Postgate. I hope you enjoy.