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This is a drawing with tape, graphite and charcoal in response to British artist Felicia Browne’s sketches from Spain 1936.Sonia Boué 2016

OK – this is not going to be a long blog post. I don’t have time. I’m busy trying to fill in – nay understand how to fill in – an ACE funding application. Forget the new system (my user perspective is not flattering). Analyse THE SYSTEM.

Today a really helpful video appeared on my Twitter time line. Thank god for Twitter as now my sanity has been restored. For on this video you will see and hear artists describing exactly why ACE funding applications are such a NIGHTMARE. These are all to my knowledge neurotypical people, finding the system daunting and inequitable.

Blow me down. It is not that I am stupid after all. My learning disabilities just make it harder still to gather all the multiple stands of this multi-headed behemoth of a process together. In gaming terms this may be like fighting the big boss – but I probably should stay away from analogies about systems I don’t understand to describe systems I don’t understand. It’s just that I like the mental image.

The interface for ACE is lovely. You get to speak to some really lovely helpful people on the telephone, and I’ve been offered access help and will apply for access funds to make the project possible if I’m successful.

SO equality is understood within his organisation as enshrined by law, and yet you only have to view this video to understand exactly why someone with additional challenges in their life would struggle to even access the access.

Please watch – the video says it so much better than I ever could and artists (ND or not) you may regain your sanity too.
