Our October meeting to bring the Project Space nearer to fruition. We discussed, questioned, decided for and decided against, quibbled and endorsed. Chloe had brought a draft document about her forthcoming art classes, to be hosted at our space – an ambitious programme aimed at upgrading painting, observation, colour appreciation and drawing skills. Being a teacher already, she has all that planning of the classes within her vocabulary. I’d be a nonsensical wreck.

We also agreed to start painting the space next week. I think the pace will quicken now to prepare the space in time for the first classes and inaugral talk. Details will appear here soon, I hope.

Dominique Rey


The Project Space now has the two artist/ curator speakers lined up, which is exciting. One of the speakers is an experienced curator with links to Norfolk and to the Salthouse, North Norfolk annual group exhibition.

We are also looking at a small pot of funding to help launch the Q of H talk programme, as a sort of pilot. We hope this will generate some momentum and mark the space in the public consciousness, as well as building on the Queen of Hungary Gallery name from previously. The application has to be in next week, so with Stephanie in Barcelona we are doing a bit of international back and forth messaging.

Chloe is hammering out the specifics for the first tranch of the workshop programme. Some of the usual discussion for artist-led projects of hjow to divide the tasks up most efficiently, taking into consideration each of our skills and experience. The good thing is that this can be quite a fluid project – if we don’t like something, don’t get on with it or stop finding it useful and enjoyable, we can change it. We aren’t tied in to any tight restructions, so we can adapt the project to suit the demand and ourselves.

Dominique Rey


Some consideration of our funding status: to revel in independent, unfunded functioning, aiding spontaneity and inventiveness – but unable to always pay guest speakers. Not very respectful of aritst skills and practice and not very professional. On the other hand, the increasing treadmill of funding aplications, with bigger and bigger expectations, longer lead-in times for projects, straying away from our own focus to prioritise the funder’s latest aims and objectives. Or the usual path that is a balancing act between the two and a little precarious?

Dominique Rey


The Project Space has begun its transformation in a flurry of sawdust and a spray of nails. Pristeen new windows and something inventive to keep the gable wall upright.

Meanwhile, we are hammering out the bones of our Project; purpose, tasks, ideas, ambitions and inspirations. Also, how to keep the money flow viable and the rent paid.

Dominique Rey


We held our first (formal) meeting about the Project Space last week. We chose Chloe’s studio as the least uncomfortable of the three, she has proper chairs and a sofa for life models. An inspiring and productive meeting, leading us to feel fired-up and ready to leap into action. It was punctuated only by my going to stand in the side field to take a phonecall and cry with relief and happiness. i hope I didn’t upset the horses.

We each have various tasks to do and i seem to be in charge of some sort of web presence – how did that happen? The Presto Park model car group have now left so the Project Space To Be is at last empty and awaiting repairs and renovation. I think the front wall needs to be secured into a vertical position.

I wanted to call the space the Science Lab, but was out-voted, which is why three is a good number for committee or group decisions. Onwards!
