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So, we had to postpone our trip to Japan (supposed to be yesterday) for obvious reasons. We will hopefully be going in September instead. I am just about getting my head around the fact and coming down from the mass of anticipation and stress that has been the last week. I hadn’t realised how much you gear up for a trip like this, plus I have been completely distracted and glued to the news since the earthquake, to see what was unfolding there. It’s heartbreaking to watch and I hope they can make a swift recovery.


A bit like when my Swiss trip was cancelled in December, I feel like I have been given the gift of time, especially as I seem to have agreed to a number of extra YSP-curricular projects by accident. Whoops.

I have two unexpected weeks to work so I will be reading the books I saved for holiday – all art related. So this will be like, well, doing actual research rather than stealing 10 mins reading on trains and before bed. I have already completely failed at not being online, but I shall endeavor to chill out my computer usage. While in London I made a quick stop at Muji (I know, pathetic attempt to do something Japanese) and bought notepaper and coloured pens. This is to encourage writing by hand, preferably outside. First book is ‘A Short History of Decay’ by E.M.Cioran. I can see my work becoming even more bleak. Best make sure I waddle and wear funny outfits in my performaces to counteract that!

See also – go for more walks – I think it was Ballard who had twice daily, 40-min constitutionals in Shepperton where he lived.

Also wanted to flag up some interesting reading. My artist’s statement needs a bit of tlc and this article has given me a swift kick up the arse: http://www.frieze.com/issue/article/please_release…

How is your statement looking at the moment?

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