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One of my lives involves a freelance contract working for Oxford University where I source and add research-quality visual art websites to http://www.intute.ac.uk – an online resource for research and higher education.

The websites I catalogue each month tend to be very influenced by the research I am doing myself, so I have recently come across some very interesting essays online regarding artists pay and working practice (More to follow).

I have also been trying to make some tough decisions about my studio: space and an amazing building versus six months where it is too cold to actually work. Also frustrations and bad communication versus a fresh start without the reputation and banana skins/tea bags all over. It's very difficult as I feel like I am betraying the group by leaving and it is also a big financial risk to start a new-artist led space in Liverpool as the rent will be higher and there are already empty studios languishing across the city. I also wonder what the benefits of a new artist-led project would be, there are several already and unless it is going to offer something new then I'm not sure it's worth while. I also don't just want a space for showing our own work! A meeting on Thursday should make some decisions about the direction it could take. I hope we can look at getting funding to create a space that will support other artists making/developing new work.

This article by Gordon Dalton on alias sees him playing Devils advocate regarding artist-led spaces. He also explores the options open to graduates upon leaving University and looks at some more succesful ventures.
