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and some issues to tackle:

Lack of awareness of employment opportunities within the sector.

Artists not trained for business.

Insufficient entry routes for young people into the sector.

Skills and experience do not match job vacancies.

Qualifications do not prepare fine art graduates for work or fully participate in the sector.

Lack of diversity among the workforce.

Not enough opportunities to develop skills in post.

Access to training for those outside formal employment.

Specialist training needs not met.

Staff retention in the sector poor.

Poor employment conditions.

Organisations lack people with business skills.

Not enough emphasis on leadership.

Insufficient auditing of skills needs.

Not enough sharing of good practice across the sector.

Insufficient partnerships between employers and higher education bodies.

Although some strong membership and representative bodies exist there are some gaps e.g. commercial galleries.

There is no professional union equivalent to Equity in the theatre sector.