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The birthday trip home to Liverpool begins in about two hours, so I shall see you in September…

Hoping this break will give everything a bit of clarity when I get back and see my work again. The next exhibiton is on the 8th September, so I want to think carefully about how I show things in that exhibition space. My mum is coming back to Linz with me for a few days, which will be so nice – the thing about residencies is no one else gets to see where you are or what you’re doing, so you come back talking about things and no one else has clue. It makes you dull if you’re not careful! Unfortunately she may end up getting roped into a photography session or similar :)

Some images of the work that Jens took in the attic of me.. no title yet. I also dumped all the images into an animation to see what it looked like, the answer seems to be too comical! Feedback includes, mad deranged dalek, Howl’s Moving Castle (awesome Studio Ghibli film), cardboard robot, waddling city, hilarious and well funny. This was all well meant and looking at it, I can see where they’re coming from! However, plenty of editing and displayed how I want it should look a little differently, I hope! Perhaps the dear blog readers have some other comparisons to add??

Here is the unedited animation should you care to take a look:


(The House Like Me title is temporary – from one of my artists’ books and is inspired by Casa Malaparte, a kind of self portrait in architecture by Curzio Malaparte, on the island of Capri.)

Some ideas around the work:

Inhabiting the city/being outside the city/The city as psychological space/The city or architecture as self portrait.