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Have not felt this rotten for ages – have been barking like a dog all weekend and am at the point of exhaustion with it. My stomach muscles feel like I should have a six pack with all the coughing, alas, it is still hidden.

Back to YSP tomorrow – did pop in briefly to see the new Rob Ryan exhibition on Thursday, I couldn’t go to the opening for fear of hacking up all over everyone. It’s a lovely show, but a bit soppy. My Ma came over for a day to go to the park with me (so nice to have someone there) and bought me a roll of amazing tree paper cut based tape. I felt spoiled.

I found out at my last meeting with Helen about the bursary that there has only been one exhibition from Feiweles artists in the last 20 years. ONE? Odds not good for me then. BUT, I have a meeting with the curator tomorrow and she mentioned the possibility of showing my work. Many hedging words in the email, so POSSIBILITY is good, and I will be hanging on that for as long as possible. The curator I’m meeting oversees all publications at the park (what an amazing job) and has specifically asked to see my books.

I shall let you know. Fingers crossed.

In other news, applying for a couple of things that may be out of my league, but I thought I would have a go anyway.