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Very sad news on Friday that my Auntie has died, not sure what happened yet, but it’s been a shock and clearing up/sorting a bit at her house today was strange – nice to be there and near her, but sank in that I wouldn’t ever see her again. My sister also just rang to say that she named us two as executors of her will – that means a LOT of sorting out to do. Bank, house, car, funeral etc etc and so on. All in a week with unmade work and a private view on Friday at A Foundation. Not that the opening seems that important at the moment really, it just always comes at once doesn’t it?

TAXED Skillmarket was on Saturday and was both fantastic and disappointing. But, I had a great time and met some new faces and saw some great exchanges going on. As an experiment, it was a success I think – certainly it’s provided much to think about and I will enjoy writing up an evaluation. We (taxed and the helpers we employed to help – with financial support from a-n) have arranged to meet up soon over wine to have a chat about it all. Angie, Katy and Aman were all incredibly astute and enthusiastic and it’s shame more people didn’t come – they could have handled more chaos I think! The disappointment was because so few people that were involved in the first research stage actually attended. Hardly anyone from Liverpool came. There’s probably a number of reasons for that, but it will need some thinking about.. Mike Carney’s (Director of A Foundation in Liverpool) gave four of us a tap-dancing lesson as his skill giving, which was just hilarious and I really appreciated him getting involved. The pictures mainly prove that we weren’t very good (But show potential!) so I have added one here for your amusement.

I must also thanks Susan Jones for attending and passing on some words of wisdom to attendees… one thing about not being full was that most people managed to get a session on negotiating with her, worth coming for alone I would say.

Anyway, I should try and get some work made…. I will go in the studio and push things around at least!