
I will have to look at my Life /work balance. I am shattered. Bonkers.

Latest thing was the last invited outing for the Farningham Hobby Horse Project. Ros and I took them down to Margate to join in the celebrations for the Lone Twin Boat Project. The boat was out of the water up on the Harbour Arm.

We were a long way away – on the beach. Not much in the way of an audience- put off by the soggy weather I suspect. Still we had a good time until the wind got up and the stands kept going over.

Eventually we cut our losses, packed up and made for the party!

Having taken photos of ourselves with the FHHP wooden horse donation on the starboard side of the boat we then wrote a goodwill message for their bottle.

Then off to greet Nicole Mollet in her silver Kent Cultural Baton airstream caravan. It hardly seemed credible that we started the FHHP 18months ago with the caravan in attandance. Lovely to get a sneak preview of the Kent map that will be the final legacy of the Kent Cultural Baton Project and chat and catch up.

Feeling the need to mark the occasion Ros and I then visited Kim Conway’s seaside photographer’s portrait gallery. We came out with the perfect daft celebratory photo.

Great fun and a terrific shared memento of a fun day and a wonderful and very special project.


Well, that was a short space of R& R….!

What is it with us artists? There is a new plot afoot to put together a proposal between four artists who work to [as one artist succinctly put it] create beautiful, delicate, considered work based on and around the death of birds, insects, flowers and humanity.

This morning we struggled with the words to take this idea and progress it to a point where we could articulate the concept of how we all use this to remake that death into future potential within our work.

So now that is all I can think of. Took what? Two days? Amazing. We just can’t not do it can we…….its in the artist DNA; and now I am happy. New work to come and a new slant to it and new possibilities…..

This afternoon I took a good friend round the show. One on one…an individual tour..I’ve never done that before. She is not an artist and we had an enjoyable time and she went away knowing where I was coming from. Now I wish I had used the opportunity to ask her many more open questions about how she – as a non artist-read my work.

Perhaps we should offer artist tours for that reason…listen and learn.

Next time…


No longer blogging in the top ten…not surprising as I have been pretty silent. Pretty shattered actually. Exhibition private view was huge fun with loads of lovely people and 28 of us going on to have a pizza down the road…..

Then complete collapse. No more energy. I slept from 12am to 6.30 two days later. Unheard of. I had no idea I was so tired.

My comments on the luggage labels idea was a massive sucess. Need a new spike now!

The show finishes next week and I have just written a short e-mail in an attempt to lure the arts officers from their lair in the local museum down the road to see it. I have wanted to work with the museum for some time, but my ‘museum of memorialisation’ that I curate in a space each time really doesn’t work as an image. You have to be there to understand it. I really hope one of them comes down.

I am taking my elderly mother on Wednesday. It is her Jewish heritage that drives much of the work on loss and memory. I am quite nervous of her reaction. How I see a work may not be how she sees it.