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This morning the postman bought me a parcel – with a box wrapped in the old fashioned way with strong brown paper and string in it.

Inside – a beatiful nut brown wooden ‘Collection’ plate, the kind used to take the retiring collection in church. It is wonderful – a chestnut patina of love on the front, and on the back two wooden oblong patches held in place with wooden pegs. A repair to something regarded as precious, done many, many years ago.

It makes me wonder. Surely it would have been simpler to ask the local carpenter to make another wooden plate in those days…..the skills must have been in every village. What made them patch it rather than replace it?

It also marks my first Ebay purchase. So now I have joined the merry band of artists all hunting for a small press. What my husband calls me being in truffle mode – nose down, tail up, on the scent…….deaf to everything else. Another thing to eat into my art hours.

The Collection plate has been purchased in the hope that a proposal might be accepted. Will tell all if it does.