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I am embarrassed to tell myself that since returning from Burma I have managed to do next to nothing towards any of the show commitments I have for next year..

My elderly mother has been in hospital and that plus Christmas preparations seems to have sapped all my creative energy.

Nothing there…..quite unlike me. A bit scary.Odd.

I have made myself a lovely drawing space in the new room – with good light and loads of table top space to stretch out on..I am nesting quite happily in it using the computer. From where I sit I can now see the sky, a garden and birds and squirrels. Quite wonderful after my big studio without windows.

I seem to have that December feeling that you get about weight or exercise; I’ll just wait until after Christmas and then I will begin to draw again……….

Ros Barker and I have started the second phase of the Farningham Hobby Horse Project. We have had stands made for all 120 of them and are now seeking inside venues between now and next June.

The project has been invited to show in a local gallery for one week in March. A great chance to hold a private view for the village, and to reconnect the horses and their makers. We are intending to photograph both together as a historical Kent document.

What else I have done since returning:

Arranged the room into a drawing studio. ………………… Sorted my paints and given away a load of textiles and threads to another artist…………………… Organised the Art Forum that I run and held a speaker meeting and an annual wash up meeting. ……….. Started talks with another artist in my block to swop my large studio for her smaller one……………….

Somehow now I write it all down it seems that I have achieved more than I thought. Just not the drawaing.

Hey ho……….