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Ok. I am getting the plot back.

Spent the first part of the morning choosing a moth to hang by its feet to draw; as you do. Something that had been brewing for a while.

Really fast work. Pleased with it.

Always amazes me when that happens..almost like being on automatic. Such a great feeling.

Then to new studio to collect more paper. Odd not being in my old one, but the smallness of it feels kinder, as though less is expected of me maybe.

I shall have to watch that.

Had an e-mail conversation today in which the subject of including ones domestic circumstances in our blogs was discussed.

I realise that I am unusual in this, but they seem intertwined to me……….surely if you or your partner are ill, or you are snowed in or the car breaks down and you can’t get to the studio that is all part of the trials and tribulations.

I don’t see my blog as a twirl for a curator but write thinking I am talking to other artists while focussing my thoughts for me. Nor do I care if I reveal my age group or the fact I don’t have work in the Tate.

What does worry me about blogs is that they are of necessity self censored.

No disagreements with collaborators, difficulties with funders or councils, misunderstandings or reporting of drama queen behaviour that leaves everyone else in the group seething…..happens to us all.

But not on these pages?