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It is still hosing it down out there. I am beginning to think I should be building an ark instead of sorting out my exhibition signage. I may be fiddling while Rome burns – so to speak.

Spent yesterday with the Farningham Hobby Horse Project at the Dickens Festival in Rochester; our last booked venue before they are returned to their makers next weekend.

A really great day out. We have been all over Kent with the project during the year and this was definitely party time – and probably our highest visitor numbers to date as well.

Why is it that one’s images never reflect that? We were in a stunning building, given a prestigious site and all our images look as though we were in a village hall….

Never mind. We met extrodinary people and Ros and I relaxed and had fun.

Now just to return the horses to the village who made them. Such awful weather forecasts…who knows what will happen. We will probably end up handing them out from the boots of two estate cars like so much landfill. Not the way I wanted the project to go out. We were hoping for a celebrarory ‘proud parent’ summer party on the horse fair meadow. Maybe.

Watch this space…

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