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Interesting comments on the label conundrum.Thank you.

In the event I have only labelled four out of 21 works…and I also have a short artist’s statement up. I feel very comfortable with it now. Feels right.

Yesterday I finished off the hang – glass cleaner, plinth painting etc. All done.

In the evening a fellow artist and I went to our old college degree show. Some really strong work and a great buzz. My car still wants to turn left when I get to the college motorway slip road. I would be happy as a skylark to be given a space and just settle back into working there again.

We both spent the night chatting to the tutors. Strange how relaxed and easy it now is. No longer the tutor/student relationship but still imensley valuable to talk things over…

Our only sadness was that neither of us won any of the tutors work in the raffle. If only.

Got a preview of the Hastings Museum programme today. I show there in September with Telling Stories and they have chosen to use one of my images which felt good.

Anyone watching Grayson Perry?

Interesting I thought that the last programme didn’t seem so productive. I wondered if he just hadn’t been granted the same access – maybe people wondering if they would be made to look foolish.

Always watchable and refreshingly without ‘art bollocks.’

I love listening to his voice..have heard him lecture and have heard it boom across a gallery…such a deep macho voice for a man with an alternative female persona.

Maybe he should record an inspirational CD for all us artists staring out of the studio window at yet another wet afternoon.

Can’t believe its the shortest night/ longest day…where is the year going? I had all these ideas for new work, submissions…