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Having met up with Clare Smith and posted a photo of her on my blog she has returned the compliment..hmm…bit like being tagged on Facebook – there you suddenly are looking parboiled and eerily grown up for some reason….

It was rather special to meet after following Clare’s blog for years. Not something that has a parallel elsewhere in life really. Now it feels quite different when I read her blog. Connected of course. If we had been able to adjourn to the pub I think we would have talked all night.

Clare also introduced me to her DAD partner Joanna whose beautiful tempera abstracts were on the gallery wall. We too could have talked all night finding common interests in the first few seconds and only being silenced by the final bell.

Maybe we should organise a Christmas meet up in a London pub for all the a-n bloggers who fancy meeting their pen pals? Lunch time maybe so people had time to get there/ do other things/ meet other people….carnations in the button hole…

Perhaps others could do it in Liverpool/ Bristol….etc?

Elena’s comment has made me think about the photos again….I find it hard to get past the Richter/Boltanski treatments which resonate with me.

I think its their respect and the subtlety.

Another barrier to buying vintage photos and seeing what comes is the fact that painting seems to be my instinctive reaction to the images….not sure why.

I haven’t painted seriously for a long time. Also have exchanged my big studio for a small one so making a huge mess is now harder. Feels constrained before I have started.

Or me just making excuses. I know once I start a new road it becomes all consuming.

Bit like being on the diving board looking down.

Easier to keep wandering round the PV’s for a while……

Then again I inherited a few tiny black and white negatives – most very damaged – of Berlin during the Nazi era…..hmm…..