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Ho ho ho!

‘Blog’ is No 7 on Top of the Pops………means lots of you are reading this quietly and silently behind closed curtains……come on out into the light! Let yourselves be known! We might like each other…….

Seriously, its lovely to know I am not writing this into thin air. I shall attempt to bring you some art over the coming months….

I did get to the studio yesterday. The A2 was gridlocked on the opposite side of the road on the way there and on the way back gridlocked on the opposite side of the road. Which is a worry. Lets hope its a one off.

Lovely to find the main door was unlocked so I wasn’t first in. Lovely to unlock my studio and be in my very own space.

Lots of people in and out of the building and printers clattering about. Upside- friendly noises. Downside – artists busily going about their art unlike me wondering where I go next [ situation normal]= annoying. Will be fine when I have settled and am working. Then I shan’t notice.

None of the studios have roofs so although radios have to be on headphone you do get to overhear all the phone calls. Very odd as I don’t know who anyone is yet.

Anyway, I pottered, reorganised things , made coffee, chatted a bit, went back in, tried a drawing. No good- too tense I think.

Got out bags of bones and stones, rusted old metal and other treasures and started piling them onto the shelves. Immediately happy and engaged and ideas began to form.

Installation artist or what?

I did do something. I bluetacked my parrot feathers [!] and today I bought some ready made concrete.

Where’s your car Mrs Swann? Just down the road. This is quite heavy, do you want to bring the car up? No, I’ll be fine…………..hmm.

Will it be it lighter when I’ve mixed it?