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Ok…parrot feathers and concrete.

All done at the kitchen table in the end because I couldn’t contemplate carrying a bag of concrete up two flights of industrial stairs at the studio.

Huge mess and I have no idea if its going to be ok or not. Maybe. The jury is out until it is dry enough for me to see if it will come out of the tray intact. In the end the concrete set so fast that I handled the feathers more than I would have liked and they are rather bedraggled. Possibly reversible.

The work will have to retain sufficient prescence once decanted from its container. I suspect it will feel very different – I am hoping not too diminished.

Like much of my work it already has a title – ‘Holding Ground.’ I am somehow happier when my work has found a title. It’s as if it and I now know where we should be heading; and if we don’t get there it will be my fault.