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Lists, lists lists……….am I the only one to have hot chocolate and loo rolls tangled up on my lists with the bubble wrap and gaffa tape I need to wrap my big triptych and send it on its way to its new home in Berlin?

What a learning curve that has been, organising, packing, shipping and insurance. It’s when I see clearly why a good agent might be handy.

I shall be glad to see it gone – it will clear a space in my studio big enough to put in the printing press I have talked about for so long.

But do I want the press? Will it just prove to be a distraction? Do I need a new creative opportunity at a moment when I feel my work needs to be lassoed and bought back under control…………

Today I saw ‘Julie and Julia’ at an afternoon screening; that always feels so decadent, like skiving off rather than going out……..I love it.

It made me think about blogging myself into submission.

A discipline.

An audience to be performed to.

A different viewer to disappoint.

A time waster.

Another form of bondage – the blog to be done……….Maybe.