Wish I could have been in Altrincham this weekend, instead of being stuck in work. The Festival seems to have gone from strength to strength as more publicity is gathered. I was impressed the other day that they managed to get the local papers involved, but even more so after finding out that NorthWest Tonight went to film the Festival this morning for their evening bulletin.

I don’t know how many people are viewing my work because I can’t be there, but I think if the opportunity arises next year, I would really like to take part again. (It was advertised in a-n ops)

It’s been a busy few days though as I attended another PV on Friday night at the Warrington Arts Festival. Warrington Museum is a really nice space and I personally think that other galleries that may be struggling should take a visit here to see how things are done.

Interesting to see Polly Morgan’s work in real life. Creepy and gut wrenching, but also very beautiful.

I was a little surprised that some of the work was so ‘safe’ in the Open exhibition, but it was nicely spaced out – no double hanging or overcrowding, so it looked pretty good. My teeny house ( Safe House in pic) was next to a painting of a house one side and a collage of a door on other side. Thought that was funny. A very tenuous link. The PV itself was packed and I saw a few people I hadn’t seen in ages, which was really nice. Also talked to people who’s name or work I knew, but had never met before. Good to put faces to names yet again.

I’ve seen lots of tweets about the festival, so it will be interesting to see if there’s any follow up.

Early days yet, but I did catch a brief review of the Clandestine exhibition in the Williamson tunnels : ……..’ but first the mood is lightened a little as Wendy Williams’ ‘Trailers’ pause from their Lilliputian adventures amongst an underground terrace deep in the underground world that Williamson left us’ Sigh. Did they read my statement before they reviewed the work?

Nothing at all about the exhibition at The Chapel Gallery in Ormskirk. I’ve pushed it as best as I can, but there’s only so much I can do from this distance away.

A week of sitting and waiting ahead now, before I begin to take it all away and then its gone and forgotten.

Altrincham Festival on the news…brief showing of my shoe installation : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8-bMPgZnN4&feature=youtu.be