Moving on….. I’ve made the decision to not exhibit in the gallery mentioned in my last post. I felt hugely guilty about pulling out, which is silly because it wasn’t me who broke the contract, but I didn’t want to be under all that pressure to produce work and not be happy about it. Although this means that I have nothing planned after April, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. I can now step back and think for a bit. A rare luxury.

There has been a lot going on though…. I’ve booked my flight to the US, started cutting out shapes for my installation there and made notes for the ACE application, which I must put in soon for funding.

Yesterday, I met up with Elena Thomas, Julie Dodd and Carol Ramsay. Elena was in my area while her husband and son were attending a football match, so it seemed a good opportunity to meet. It was meant to be a meeting about the US exhibition, but that didn’t really happen. I think I was the only one who had met the others before, so there was too much to catch up on to have a proper meeting. Some things were discussed though, so it gave us food for thought, but it was just really nice to chat.

One thing we all agreed on was that we all had too much of our own work in our houses and were fast running out of storage space!