My day started with my laptop resting on the bed covers as I caught up with the overnight postings.

My heart sunk as I read an account on facebook by an artist having 3 different jobs (in the arts) and having the humiliation of not being able to pay for food in a supermarket and having many other debts. I was shocked because my aim was to be like this person – to be self employed, have more freedom and a more varied and interesting art career. She is always so busy, so why is there not enough money coming in?

I don’t want to see this. Artists earn £200 a day and things are getting better all the time. I’m told this constantly.

I closed my laptop and looked at the weather. It was forecast sun early on and rain later. So I was out early walking the dogs in the sun and feeling my cheeks actually tingling with the fresh air and exercise for the first time in ages. Then I hung some washing out and sat in the sun reading. I feel guilty sometimes, thinking I should be working harder, doing more, but with working 5 days a week under harsh artificial lights and breathing stale air conditioned air, 8 hours a day, I just need to stop and breathe occasionally.

I need to read articles on why we are doing this, but instead I came across Dan Thompson’s account of being paid: http://mrdanthompson.wordpress.com/2014/02/20/who-pays/

A good article…. but slightly depressing. Yep, nobody pays but us.

So now it’s almost One O’clock in the afternoon and I’m only just making a start on my own work. I only have today and yet I’m time wasting.

Focus! I need to use what hours of natural day light I have left to finish of my work, shut up moaning about having a job and just be grateful that I can pay my bills.

Images shown are work in progress.