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Here’s the third enlarged collage (41 x 66 x 1 cm). Both this and its smaller preparatory counterpart work but this version’s bigger scale allows an apt greater excess with the magazine decoupage elements.

I’ve received the very first independent written review of my work!

David Minton writes in relation to my piece in Tension at Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope gallery that it ‘is both physical […] and at the same time, in a curious twist, contradictory of its physicality through its conceptual nature.’ This is fantastic to hear as, for me, it indicates the mix of making and conceptual thought are well-balanced within the piece. He also connects what the piece initiates in the viewer to a provocation to reassess oneself. I know I feel this about the piece, but it’s one of those slightly nebulous characteristics I wasn’t sure if others were feeling as well so his comments are encouraging.

Tension continues until 8th February.