if i could take a photograph of my thinking about the 3rd trache how might it look ?

like this blog post as i aim to capture where i am today with it.



the background to the photo features the recent work i’ve done to complete a presentation as a video for the Mobile Innovation Network and Association [MINA] smart story telling symposium on november 15th.

i submitted shimmering place to the film festival mina hold every year and in response to the festival struggling to show non linear films on their screening day was invited to present about the project at the symposium the day before.

in considering and making the presentation it has helped me to connect with how and what i want to do with the third tranche.



in my thinking i’ve begun to shift from how the building was to how the building will be.  identifying threads of story i want to capture,  i’m feeling excited to begin the dialogues with members of staff about how i want to approach the project and what access to space and place i think i need.