Viewing single post of blog STUDIO 75


We were in the studio yesterday and we were saying how we want people to come by our open days to see the works that we’re putting out, and we don’t want people to act like they are in a gallery: you know, coming in all quiet, walking about with hands behind their backs and then going out. And for our part we’re not going to act like we are a gallery: sitting there, sour face stuck in a laptop, laconic and uninterested “hi” to the people who come, then studiously ignore them. We don’t even bring laptops (we do have some pens and paper). No, we got the chairs out and sat there, brought the dog, made cups of tea and hopefully gave a warm welcome to whomever popped in. And what we wanted, happened: people stayed, and talked, and we met some really interesting people and hopefully some new things will come out of these meetings and more people will hear about what we are doing and come by …

I don’t know why the galleries, especially the little ones here in Hackney, do like to affect the crabby and “I’m too important to talk to you” stance. I can only assume it helps sales (!) although it sure doesn’t encourage me to buy anything. I’m always reminded of that Harry Enfield sketch of the guy running the “Posh Crap” shop or whatever it is.

Anyway, what they do has nothing to do with us, we’re not about selling, really – at least that is not our purpose (though if people want to buy they can). We’re all about working, and developing our work, and meeting people, and making things happen.