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9 go to Tatton Park

Friends and family of AirSpace gathered at the gardens in Tatton Park to see the first Tatton Park Biennial. A light stroll around the gardens led to the discovery of installations hidden within the flora and fauna. A pleasant surprise to see David Blandy first on the list of artists; Blandy exhibited in one of AirSpace’s AirVideo events in 2007 Although disappointing was that we were unable to see the work due to a limited screening timetable.

Other memorable sights were Heather and Ivan Morison’s Escape Vehicle; an impressive construction made from wood found at the park that offered the serving of a drink of tea for visitors; and Tessa Farmer and Sean Daniels’ Nest of the Skeletons and weird but wonderful animation hidden in the fernery.

Not wanting to waste the beautiful day we settled down for a glass of wine and barbeque (home made treats) before a closing ceremony of kiting, rabbit hole rounders and a Frisbee off!

For some interesting action shots see www.annafrancis.blogspot.com