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Here are links to two interesting a-n blogs covering SOTA12.

Emily Speed’s blog: www.a-n.co.uk/p/1688798

Alice Bradshaw’s blog: www.a-n.co.uk/p/2018190

Sota12 is receding into the past now! I spent the day knitting, taking photos and nattering as a participant in DAD’s Bunting Forever project http://www.dadonline.eu/node/362. It was pretty tiring, which seems ridiculous, so I was glad when my partner suggested fish and chips for dinner. No cooking – yipee.

Cooking is, though, a wonderful and creative thing. I went to a friend’s funeral yesterday. She was a great cook, a generous person both in size and in personality, much loved and instantly liked by all who met her. She leaves a big hole here in Dover. After the funeral nearly everyone went back to her place where there was a very fitting tribute laid on in the form of a delicious spread, including some very tasty sausages.