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Lots happening all of a sudden: Bunting Forever is getting big and I’ve been asked to register it as a Line the streets project for London 2012.


Thanks to a professional press release and marketing document the project profile has become sharper and better defined and we’re getting the response we want. There is a lesson in there somewhere. If any of you reading this are occasional knitters, please do get involved. It is fun.

DAD is also gearing up for next week’s public preview of Watermark, a 90-minute feature documentary about a former paper mill in Dover.

What else? Oh yes, went to a Kent Economic Board creative sector consultation event which was pretty dire though the good thing perhaps is that it brought subsidised and non-subsidised organisations/companies together. Dire because yet again delegates were treated as passive absorbers of mainly dull information and given hardly any time for the supposed main purpose of the event which is to be consulted and to make a meaningful contribution.

And, have managed to walk the dog and get to the the studio again.