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Since last blog:

– have taken down work from Norlington Road Studios – the end of the show was marked by a friendly, relaxed BBQ; huge temptation for the dog with all the yummy lamb sausages around

– completed reporting for the recent DAD projects

– restoring the “Celebration Arch”; some pom poms got taken as mementos; ended up even getting my dad involved

– been to meetings and done some mentoring

– folded some boats on camera for The Voyagers project (video to come); had fun doing it

– started to think about textile piece for The Voyagers; not being a textile artist this is quite a challenge

– been to see potential new studio space; looks fantastic, just need some people to share with; am hopeful

– updated website, have decided to change the image on the landing page regularly, say, every week

– taken part in impromptu London Biennale event – White Happy Hour in Dover; as I left the house, dressed in white, someone I know took one look and asked if I was ok!

– usual domestics at home: walking the dog, playing with the cats, cooking, doing a spot of gardening …