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Settling in to the new studio and getting some work done in there; there is still a lot of tidying up to do but at the moment I have to prioritise making work!

I am thinking I may well take up Joanna’s suggestion of turning the gallery into a studio: takes away the pressure of making “finished” work and actually chimes in very well with my interests. I came across this the other day:

“The life of the work, the ecology of the studio is what I am interested in, when the doors are closed on the pressures of the marketplace. And in this life there is always failure, no matter how much money is made. For it is a given that there is always a gap between what the artist wants the work to be and what it is, between the original goal an the weird paths that are taken. Life continues only as long as the blind chase down the path. There is tremendous fear on that chase because the relationship between the artist and artwork is one of intimacy with the self, and intimacy is truly terrifying and can never be fully achieved. The closer one comes to something really intimate which may seem really foreign), the faster one springs back, and thereby fails.

Despite the fear of intimcacy and the impossibility of achieving completenes within and without, there can be a wonderful sense of anonymity in the practice of art. ….” (Mira Schor, Wet, p.123-124)