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Had one of those rare full days in the studio on Monday. A day like that always leaves me feeling happy.

Talking about my work to Joanna has prompted a re-write of my artist’s statement, of which here is the first draft. Any reader feedback on it would be much appreciated.

Clare Smith has been described as a “physical minimalist”: the physicality of the artist’s own body is always present in the work. Smith’s reference to grids leans towards minimalist formalism – a formalism that is subverted through the corporeal intervention of the artist’s hand – a swipe of the thumb, an unsteady mark, a loss of control.

“I subvert my own processes – what I mean is that I aim for perfection: straight lines, cleanliness, accuracy, but am unable to achieve it; I imagine that structures, ordered spaces with everything packed neatly into boxes is what will give me safety or is what I want, but actually, I just want to say stuff it, I’m going in there anyway.

My approach to work is playful – I turn things into games. Games involve the setting of rules, moves and countermoves; sometimes the rules get broken and you get away with it.”