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From Bread and Roses to Bread and Jam …

From Bread and Roses, an ongoing personal project created in response to the 2015 election result, to a group show, Bread and Jam in a private, soon to be renovated home in Brockley, London – it’s been a productive few weeks, creatively.



The Bread and Jam show ended last Sunday, July 26th on what would have been my Nana’s 107th birthday. I’ve barely had time to acknowledge the date, let alone find the time to complete the piece of work I was inspired to make in response to the 5th anniversary of my Nana’s death. Anniversaries have always been important to me and I’m looking forward to finding time to be in the studio some day soon so that I can complete this particular piece of work, a homage to my late Nana – Five Summers Without You.

Being a part of the 11 strong group of artists participating in the Bread and Jam exhibition proved to be a really positive experience for me. Being actively encouraged to spend time in the house and to respond to our chosen space in any way we wanted, meant an opportunity for the invited artists to totally immerse themselves in their work and surroundings if they so wished. I found it completely liberating to have physical space in which to present my work, especially following my recent move from a studio where I had quite literally, boxed myself in and had no space in which to manoeuvre.

On the basis that there’s so much to say that it’s almost impossible to know where to start, I’m adding a few of my favourite images I took of the show – some close ups & details of my own and other artist’s work and the similarities, common threads, cross overs running through it. And some images capturing the fabric of the house itself – the patina on the walls, weathered, well-worn lino, water stains and so on. More will emerge, I’m sure.