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In post no 74… or thereabouts… I was talking about sketchbooks and how mine had been left open at random pages after an assessment, and how I had never considered looking at them in this way, just opened and placed next to each other, to see what associations might arise. In doing this, and taking pictures, I am also questioning who this blog is for. Obviously people are reading it. I’m reading it. And looking at the pictures. It is as much for me as anyone I suppose, a record, hopefully of growth and development rather than stagnation and repetition. It’s a way of reconsidering my thoughts.

And so is this…

I’ve taken my last 6 sketchbooks (I always work in these Muji A5 ones, spiral bound with a ribbon, because they fit in my bag, tied up so the pages don’t get runkled up, and so you can safely tuck things into them… bits of knitting, fabric, leaflets, photos). I opened them at random, then if it was just a page of twaddle, turned to the next page. I put them all together and took a few photos that I post here. So… is it a waste of a blog post? A bit navel-contemplating? Self-absorbed and selfish? For you, esteemed reader, maybe. For me, MOST interesting… shadows, sheds and secret exits? Freud and shirt collars and confessions? Oh yes. I’ll be doing this again, but next time, I may just do it for myself.