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Feeling in limbo… like I’m on a stake-out. Waiting, ever ready, but nothing’s happening. The adrenalin is swooshing about, fight or flight preparedness paramount.

I have all this stuff waiting to be done, but just can’t get at it yet.

Of course, I have Arts Week in school next week, I’m all prepared for that, but can’t start till Monday. I have a couple of work deadlines looming, but can’t do anything about those till other people have done their bit. I have my own art work I want to do, but I daren’t start it, because once I do, that’ll be it for 6 weeks.

The similes and metaphors abound, I’m climbing this big hill, to the end of term, then SWOOSH! Off I go!

So I pace about the house. Then I go to Rachel’s garden and paint flowers for goodness sake! Fun, but crikey, I have got better things I could be doing! I could even do some decent cooking or some housework, but can’t settle.

I’ll be better on Monday, because my feet won’t touch the ground, and I’ll get rid of some of this…. Whatever it is.

I’ll be told off by my husband in a minute for “jiggling my bloody legs in front of the football”. It’s happened before.

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