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While the pix project and blog are trotting along nicely, there’s other stuff going on too. I am still on the hunt for respectable clothing, having used up my stock of beige blouse, beige twinset, and brown tweed jacket. I’m wondering if I could get sponsorship from Marks and Spencer? Do you think they have a cupboard full of returned and unsellable respectable garments somewhere I could plunder – preferably some that have laid around unnoticed for about 30 years? I would quite like a just below the knee pleated skirt – box pleats preferably. Beige or brown would be nice, to go with the twin set, and in my size. I feel the need to wear these things.

Haha! If only my mother could hear me now! As a child up until the mid 70s I was dressed in “lovely warm autumn colours” and went to school in a brown and gold uniform. I loathe brown, and especially beige, and have not worn either since I’ve had the choice. But I must say, the thought of wearing these clothes with rude words stitched into them, derogatory comments and the like, adds a certain frisson to life! Where would I dare wear them? The twinset you have seen, the blouse I will photograph and post with this. The skirt I haven’t found yet, I think will have quite rude words stitched hidden between the pleats. When I sit down, the pleats fall open and reveal the truth of what I really think about the world.

And then of course there is The Sensible Shoe? Actually, I am a fan of the sensible shoe. I feel a girl should always wear shoes she can run away in, or administer a good hefty kick with… Ah… Rethink quickly then… So perhaps for this what I really need is not a sensible shoe, but a mid-heel court shoe. A non-shoe? Practical, nothing to cause offence. A neutral shoe. A brown leather court shoe. I feel sick already, so it must be the right choice! Maybe I’m looking for a Nice Shoe? Yes. Nice and Respectable.

I suspect I wouldn’t be able to wear these things for long, even with the subversive texts. The beigeness would seep into my bones and suck the life from me.