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I think I was moaning… I generally am… about the fact that I’d got all these things nearly happening. Nearly wasn’t good enough, and nearly might as well be nothing, as there’s nothing to show for all the hard work spent at the laptop and the sewing machine and the sketchbook.

Well, nearly is now really nearly. And I have gathered another nearly thing along the way.

Nearly starts a week on Friday, and doesn’t stop till December.

Through a circuitous path, involving facebook, twitter, this blog, NSEAD, and an article I wrote for their magazine AD… and being a bit gobby I suppose… I have been invited to join the DfE Expert Advisory Group for Art and Design, as a representative of the primary school in which I work as an artist. (Good job it’s not literacy, that sentence is appalling!)

First meeting is a week on Friday. My stomach is tying itself in knots. This feels like a big deal that I might need an outfit for in order to make myself feel like I’m in the right place and got the right head on. This is a hateful thing, because I will want something that still feels like me, but a professional, clever, insightful, mildly amusing me. Usually I am not particularly professional, clever takes me by surprise, I have no insight unless it’s on someone else’s behalf, and I’m permanently verging on the hysterical when under stress. And if they read this, they’re going to regret asking me aren’t they?

An outfit… a Sophie Cullinan style superhero outfit perhaps? (no cape)

The week after, work has to be made ready to hang for ONE on 27th… no half term for me! I’ve got a weekend workshop to run the week after that. The Art Party Conference in Scarborough on 23rd. In between all this once ONE is done, I am doing materials research for COLONIZE in April. I guess it will take me a good couple of months to turn this World War 2 army greatcoat into the work of art I want it to be, possibly longer. I’ve got a month long group exhibition in Wolverhampton in February, and I don’t as yet, know what I’ll show for that.

Oh yes, and I have a job.

December I shall rest. Unless I get a better offer…