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Today is a not-art day. I’ve got a busy week coming up, so need to do all the other stuff today, to enable me to get on with it all without guilt or panic that I need to be doing something else.

So, thank goodness I’m feeling well again, but I’m still somewhat hampered by the hot clammy weather here in the Midlands today, I’m one of those delicate(?!) creatures that hates hot sunny weather. This isn’t helped by the fact I’ve been doing all the things I usually avoid in the heat… baking, cooking meals, ironing. I wish someone would invent linen that I didn’t need to iron.

To relieve that sticky feeling then, I’m now sat in the shade of my shed in the garden, with a big mug of Lady Grey,writing an artist’s blog that’s nothing to do with art. Well it makes a change from the usual self-conscious arty-bollocks whingeing that usually goes on here doesn’t it?